Monday, January 16, 2012

Falling asleep today in the US, waking up in Europe!

Today's the big day! I still can't believe it's finally here! The past few days have been spent between packing, visiting friends and family, and eating the delicios food my sister and scott keep cooking up. Its made me realize how blessed I am to have so many wonderful people in my life. Some even came over 3 times to say good bye... For some, twice in the same day! :)I can't express how much everyone's love and support means to me; definitely helps calm any nerves I have about leaving the country for a while. How lucky am I to even say I have these people in my life that can make saying goodbye a bit difficult. Kind of bitter sweet. But! I'm so excited for my trip to Ireland and its amazing how much calmer you actually feel when you start off on a new adventure you know is right for you at that moment in time. It's funny, I'm not even that tired today from not sleeping too much last night. Must be the excitement. Ya know I figured last night I would dream about Ireland, maybe even me getting through airports on my way, but no... Instead I dreampt of meeting and traveling around NYC with Ryan Seacrest and a bunch of kindergardeners... Some one please tell me where my mind come up with these things. Hopefully itll just go to show how random and exciting my new adventures will be.haha But as for right now, its GAME TIME, and I should probably go get ready. Well until next time, keep posted!

1 comment:

  1. Meagan! I am so happy to be able to call you my friend. I wish i got to see you before you left, i planned on leaving my grandparents early, didnt plan on leaving to the hospital, oh well. I miss you already and although im sad that you aren't going to be there for our adventures of starting a new club we cant wait to hear all of your stories and for you to see the progress we will no doubt make. I want to have private and not so private skype chats with you on a semi regular basis please. I will be praying for you while you are gone and I hope you will be praying for us. I hope you find so much love on your adventure *wink* haha jp, but seriously. =D Your random dream made my day btw. And I will be reading heaven is for real in your honor. LOVE YOU!!
    <3 amaris
